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Ticker Talk

by Mickey

Looks like the Marlins have come a long way baby. A long way down that is. Last year's World Series Champs are on sale for a whopping $165 million. MLM traders will be the first to let Wayne Huizenga in on a little secret: your team ain't worth jack. After suffering psychological rape at the hands of Huizenga, Marlins fans are less than sympathetic. They want Huizenga gone and ANYBODY can take his place. He should be following his stock on MLM to better gauge the value of his team. Here's a hint, Wayne, buy NYYAN while it's still below $5000.

And I see that the biggest offer for the Marlins has come from a commodities trader who made it rich on the market and wants to own a baseball team. He's offered $150 mil. Between the Indians' IPO and rogue commodities traders buying up teams, I'd say MLM is leading the path to the future of sports. I wonder if Mr. Commodities Trader is playing MLM. If I may quote the AP article, it says that he's "a millionaire commodities trader who closely monitors the stock market and major-league standings, [and] admits that buying the Marlins wouldn't be the best business deal he ever made." Well listen up, trader-boy, you better sharpen your skills on the MLM before you go out buying teams on a whim. You could get burned. Here's a hint: buy NYYAN before it tops $5000.

These commodities traders think they know everything. If you look right here on MLM, you'll see that the commodities traders here are less than rational. As of today, McGwire is projected by the commodities traders to hit over 86 home runs this season. Don't they read Guru's delist to price ratios? Maybe the rest of us should try to sell those guys a baseball team in Florida. Here's a hint to you commodities traders: buy NYYAN before it breaks $5000.

McGwire's going to be the most valuable player in the league, and I'm not talking stats here. He's helping other teams sell tickets when he comes to their town. He's making more money for the league than anybody. Fans practically riot for the chance to get his autograph. It'll get far worse when he reaches 60 home runs and we see the opposing team's coaches pitching their scrubs and rejects on purpose, just to help Mark out. Don't think it won't happen. Sycophants abound. Earlier this year the NCAA let an injured female basketball player hobble onto the court and score a point in order to let her break a record. Hey, she all but had the record anyway, so it's ok right? No way. Surviving the season is definitely part of setting a record of any kind. Letting her hobble out onto the court and shoot simply made her record, and the previous record, nothing more than meaningless.

I've yet to see anyone hope for Maris' record to stand. I for one am a crusty old trader who remembers the frenzy on the trading floor when Maris heated up at the end of the '61 season. A lot of people lost money short selling his stock. They didn't believe in him, and they paid for it. I'm probably the only one in America, but I think his record deserves to stand. Even so, I'm not betting on it, and I'm thinking of buying some MMCGH, just in case that big red headed monster cracks 100 homers. You never know.


Previously, Mickey forecasts the changing winds in the market place.

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